October 15, 2010

The meeting of two eternities, the past and future....is precisely the present moment.

Updates on Juno, Maddie and Jim

If you've been following us, we opened our hearts & home to foster border collies for BCRNC. It's been an amazing, surprising experience so far. Below are updates on these BCs. New to the blog? Click on each name for previous posts. Enjoy!
Juno patiently waiting for dinner
Juno - current foster BC
She is foster BC number 3. Been with us since Monday and tonight (finally), she and Lucas wrestled each other! They've been dogzoomin' daily but the wrestling-style of play lets me know that Lucas is having fun with the new dog. Josey hates the chaos (Miss Fun Police) so we keep her away to keep everyone safe. Juno is the most challenging because her energy is crazy high, almost uncontrollable. But she's figuring out our routine helping to ease her worries. She's more relaxed after heavy exercise; we walk on leash, run off leash and play with toys. A few days ago, she'd still be panting and pacing. Juno is exercised twice a day right now because it still feels like summer around here; it's just a hot mess. Two applications came in for Juno already but we immediately rejected one and the other applicant is looking at another dog too. Depending on that outcome, Juno may or may not have her Forever Home this weekend. Meanwhile, I'm relying on Lucas to help me teach Juno to play and relax, too!

When BCs find Forever Homes, I keep in touch during a two-week period. It's not standard protocol but I think follow through is important. The lives of these adopted dogs have changed once again and being there helps them, new owners and me, too. I'm surprised that I think of them as often as I do.  Updates are always fun. Here are email excerpts from their new owners...

Maddie - adopted (fostered Sept-Oct)
"Within minutes after you left, Maddie started running laps around the house at top speed with Lacey on her tail. She made the pond a stop on one of her laps and dove in like she's been doing it her whole life. She is a VERY powerful swimmer and has absolutely NO fear of water. Her and Lacey now make regular trips to cool off and of course chase a toy if I throw it in. Her and Lacey became immediate friends and were rolling around and play biting. Maddie looks to her like a big sister and tags her around everywhere and they play constantly. She also gets along great with our little 14 yr old Holly. No playing for the old lady of course but Maddie never bothers or chases her. We'll be inviting other play friends over after she gets settled in.

Maddie has got to be the best snuggler as you know. She never hesitates to make herself a space on the couch or the bed. You've taught her well on kenneling because she immediately took to her dog house and will wait there until her food is served. Also, kudos on the obedience and leash training, you made it a snap for me to continue. She sits, lies down, heals and is getting better every day with a stay. She's very smart! Oddly I didn't hear her bark until yesterday. Of course she does the "woo woo" greeting which is most endearing, but is almost silent otherwise. I truly believe she must have some Basenji in her.

I could go on and on. We are so incredibly happy with Maddie and thank you for everything you've done and for allowing her into our lives."

Jim - adopted (fostered July-Sept)
Jim's new owner is the worrying-type. She was anxious about taking him to the dog park because she just adopted him but I reassured her that his social skills are rock-solid. In fact, Jim and I went to the dog park half a dozen times and there was never an issue. He was Velcro the first time but once he figured the place out, all was well. Here's a happy progress report on Jim:

"I took him to the dog park in Roseville this morning. He was a little scared, which I anticipated, and kept his tail tightly tucked between his legs. We walked around the park for at least 1/2 hour, so he could smell and investigate everything. After about 45 minutes, I began to see a change in his demeanor. He started gaining confidence and his tail came out from between his legs, he became curious about the other dogs, and the next thing I knew he was racing out to the middle to herd a black Lab who was chasing a ball. He suddenly started having so much fun, and would run with the other dogs, but always mindful of where I was and returning periodically to check on me. It was a little disconcerting having a couple of Great Danes, a Pit-bull, and a Boxer who weren't exactly well-behaved, and he looked really little compared to all the other big dogs. I was worried for his safety, but he had a blast and got to expend some energy! He was one fast little runner and his speed really surprised me! He was a tired pup when we returned home, and I figured this would be a good time to try and leave him for a bit. When I returned, there were a lot less drips on the floor by the window, so I think he napped and hopefully, was less anxious about my leaving."

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