September 14, 2010

The difference is that was then, this is now.

2007 - 6 months old. Figuring me out.
2010 - 3 years old. On patrol in the backyard.
Lucas. I cherish him. dogzoomies found him on the BCRNC website a few years back. We were in Texas for the holidays and I submitted an adoption application that same evening. Right away, we learned that Lucas was being fostered just a stone's throw away but someone else was interested in him, too. In the end, we adopted young Lucas from BCRNC.

These days we help BCRNC by fostering BCs. I was lucky with Jim and luckier with Maddie. Josey & Lucas are happy to help them too. They are accepting of the foster BCs - playing & running around with them, showing them the ropes, teaching them household rules.

I am very proud of Josey & Lucas. Lucas especially. He was wonderful with Jim and he's amazing with Maddie. Lucas & Maddie play all the time. Everyday. The husband is not amused with the current condition of the backyard. Why? Lucas & Maddie are crazy - rolling around in the dirt, zooming all over the yard, kicking up mulch, pulling up drip lines on their switchback turns. I just smile inside.

Maddie, Josey & Lucas on timeout from playtime.
Maddie is Lucas' match. No, we're not going to keep her for him. In fact, an adoption application came in for her this morning so I have to review it. It is going to take someone very special to convince me he/she is worthy of adopting Maddie. All the BCRNC foster BCs deserve that kind of attention. Their journey from abandonment to fostering to adoption is a long road. We are here to make it comfortable for them.  It is how we want to give back to the rescue organization that gave us everything.

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