November 7, 2010

There are some simple truths and the dogs know what they are.

A mid-morning walk with Ben
Being home with family means lots of good cooking! So I've been walking my sister's dogs to stay in shape. Re-visiting my childhood neighborhood on foot brings back many memories - seeing my old friends' houses, remembering where we used to play.

Molly is a powerwalker like me. Ben, on the otherhand, is a stroller and sniffer. The weather has been cold and a little windy so Ben's taking it all in - up in the air and down on the ground. Watching him enjoy the simple pleasure of our walks reminds me to smell the roses too. He's on to something and I just need to listen...

1 comment:

dogzoomies said...

I was hoping you would be able to pick that up with Ben. If I am having a particularly hectic day, I walk the dogs separately, and while Moll is fun to walk with, there's something about walking with just Ben that is really calming to me.