November 13, 2010

Everyone is the age of their heart.

A perfect quote. 
Very fitting (of my time spent with the East Coast set - humans and canines - alike).
Ben & Molly are senior dogs. Josey & Lucas are younger dogs. 
Their energy levels are on opposite poles. 
Fast & slow. Quiet & noisy. Hyper & mellow. 
Pace of life is different with each set yet all deeply enriching to my soul. 
I enjoyed taking care of Ben & Molly - 
going on walks, preparing food, brushing (Molly) 
and interacting/playing in the new backyard.
Both are very vibrant and aging beautifully.
They are my extended canine family! 

The peace & serenity came to a screeching halt when I woke up this morning. 
Josey & Lucas were ready to jump back into the routine pronto. 
I laughed and rolled out of bed. 
Home sweet home! 
Took them to Kitty Hawk for an hour so they could run, run, run 
'til their tongues touched the ground. 
Wish I had the camera to capture their silliness. 
All day long both stayed close to me.

Always love the old and the young!

Speaking of young, I am contemplating fostering one of these BC pups from BCRNC...
Butch Cassidy
The Sundance Kid
These are busy, tough times for rescue organizations 
and animal shelters all over the country. 
If you can open your heart (and wallet), 
please donate money, volunteer your time or foster!
Thank you for your support!

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