June 25, 2011

The language of friendship is not words but meanings.

Came across this old photo when transferring files to new PC.
Josey & Lucas at
Kiva Beach, South Lake Tahoe.
This photo reveals many things.
What do you see?

Josey is tense, 
keeping an eye on frisbee.
Lucas is tentative, 
wondering if Josey is going to pound him should he grab frisbee.

Recently had a conversation with dogzoomies about play styles. 
Particularly play styles of border collies.
She said BCs are breed snobs.
 It is so true. 
Play is really complex behavior. 
You learn a lot watching the Glen Highland Farm 
BC rescues play in the paddocks.

Lucas and Josey are interactive. 
Making physical contact with each other 
and taking turns with
play bowing, chasing, grabbing necks, and body slamming.
They let loose and genuinely seem 
to enjoy the romps with each other.
Like very good friends.

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